Servo Motor and PWM

In this section, we'll connect an SG90 Micro Servo Motor to the Pico 2 and control its rotation using PWM. The servo will move in a loop, rotating from 0 degrees to 90 degrees, and then to 180 degrees.

Before moving forward, make sure you've read the PWM introduction in the Blink LED section.

Hardware Requirements

  • SG90 Micro Servo Motor
  • Jumper Wires:
    • Female-to-Male(or Male to Male depending on how you are connecting) jumper wires for connecting the Pico 2 to the servo motor pins (Ground, Power, and Signal).

Connection Overview

  1. Ground (GND): Connect the servo's GND pin (typically the brown wire, though it may vary) to any ground pin on the Pico 2.
  2. Power (VCC): Connect the servo's VCC pin (usually the red wire) to the Pico 2's 5V (or 3.3V if required by your setup) power pin.
  3. Signal (PWM): Connect the servo's control (signal) pin to GPIO9 on the Pico 2, configured for PWM. This is commonly the orange wire (may vary).
Pico Pin Wire Servo Motor Notes
Power (Red Wire) Supplies 5V power to the servo.
Ground (Brown Wire) Connects to ground.
Signal (Orange Wire) Receives PWM signal to control the servo's position.