Temperature on OLED
In this section, we will measure the temperature in your room and display it on the OLED screen.
Hardware Requirments
- An OLED display: (0.96 Inch I2C/IIC 4-Pin, 128x64 resolution, SSD1306 chip)
- Jumper wires
- NTC 103 Thermistor: 10K OHM, 5mm epoxy coated disc
- 10kΩ Resistor: Used with the thermistor to form a voltage divider
Circuit to connect OLED, Thermistor with Raspberry Pi Pico

- One side of the Thermistor is connected to AGND (Analog Ground).
- The other side of the Thermistor is connected to GPIO26 (ADC0), which is the analog input pin of the pico2
- A resistor is connected in series with the Thermistor to create a voltage divider between the Thermistor and ADC_VREF (the reference voltage for the ADC).
Note:Here, one side of the thermistor is connected to ground, as shown. If you've connected it to the power supply instead, you'll need to use the alternate formula mentioned earlier.
The Flow
- We read the ADC value
- Get resisance value from ADC value
- Calculate temperature using B parameter equation
- Display the ADC, Resistance, Temperature(in Celsius) in the OLED